Trezor Hardware Wallet (Official) - The official Trezor App wallet - GitBook. An update for Trezor Suite (version 22.9.3) is now available for installation. To download and apply it, please proceed.

Getting Started with Trezor: A Step-by-Step Guide

Trezor is a leading name in the world of cryptocurrency hardware wallets, offering users a secure and user-friendly way to store their digital assets. If you're new to Trezor, the first step is to visit This guide will walk you through the essential steps to get your Trezor device up and running.

Unboxing and Setting Up Your Trezor

When you first unbox your Trezor device, you'll find the hardware wallet, a USB cable, and a recovery seed card. Connect your Trezor to your computer using the USB cable and navigate to Here, you'll be prompted to download and install the Trezor Bridge, a necessary interface that allows your device to communicate with your computer.

Initializing Your Trezor

Once the Trezor Bridge is installed, you'll proceed to initialize your Trezor. This involves setting up a new wallet or recovering an existing one. For new users, select "Create a new wallet." You'll then be asked to choose a PIN. This PIN is crucial for the security of your device, so make sure to choose something unique and memorable.

Backing Up Your Wallet

After setting up your PIN, your Trezor will generate a 24-word recovery seed. This seed is your backup and is essential for recovering your funds if your Trezor is lost or damaged. Write down the recovery seed on the provided card and store it in a secure place. Never share your recovery seed with anyone, as it can be used to access your funds.

Installing Trezor Suite

To manage your cryptocurrencies, you'll need to install Trezor Suite, the desktop app designed to work seamlessly with your Trezor device. Trezor Suite provides an intuitive interface to manage your assets, track your portfolio, and execute transactions securely. Download Trezor Suite from and follow the installation instructions.

Adding and Managing Cryptocurrencies

With Trezor Suite installed, you can now add cryptocurrencies to your wallet. Trezor supports a wide range of coins and tokens, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many more. Simply follow the on-screen instructions to add your preferred cryptocurrencies and start managing your portfolio.


Setting up your Trezor is straightforward and ensures that your digital assets are stored securely. By following the steps at, you'll be able to enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your cryptocurrencies are safe. Whether you're a seasoned crypto investor or a beginner, Trezor provides a reliable and user-friendly solution for managing your digital wealth.

Last updated